Profile Information

PROFILE Information

  • Name:

    Carrie Warren

  • Cell Phone:

    (416) 937-2249

  • Email:

  • Teaching Language:


  • Preferred City:

    Niagara Falls


Hi there! I currently teach out of the Niagara Firearms Training facility located in Niagara Falls, ON. Please visit the website to register for a course - it takes under a minute to be confirmed into a training program!

About Me

About your instructor: I have been a firearms instructor in law enforcement for over 8 years and am now certified to instruct the CFSC and CRFSC courses. I love teaching and have a passion for it. I will be more than happy to answer your questions and assist with you signing up for one of my courses! I am a member of a local range and find shooting to be very relaxing! I am also a member of the Canadian Shooting Sport Association.

About My Courses

I am currently teaching 2 day courses run on the weekend. Both days start at 08:00am. Coffee, tea, water and snacks are provided and pizza is provided for lunch on the Saturday. I enjoy teaching firearms safety and I am looking forward to having you in the course. For more information, please call Instructor Paul at 289-273-2000 or visit the website; to register.