Profile Information

PROFILE Information

  • Name:

    Don Ratych

  • Phone:


  • Cell Phone:


  • Email:

  • Teaching Language:


  • Preferred City:



With over 30 years of firearms training and licensing experience, our instructors have been setting the standard with our dedication to one-on-one instruction since the inception of the Canadian Firearms Safety Course. We provide the full Non-Restricted and Restricted course package, along with the one-stop Non-Restricted and Hunting course. Visit us at for a list of upcoming classes.

About Me

Don is a retired Staff Seargant with Peel Regional Police, serving 38 years. A hunter for 50 years, Don has experience with game law all across Canada. Don is one of the original firearms instructors with the FSESO, and one of the first instructors to deliver the Canadian Firearms Safety Course.

About My Courses

Our courses are taught at Monte Carlo Inn in Brampton as well as the Admiral Inn in Mississauga. Both locations are air conditioned, accessible, and located near major highways.