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PROFILE Information

  • Name:

    GUNCOURSE by Gill

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WWW.GUNCOURSE.INFO Our Mission "Professional - Effective - Consistent" Ontario Hunters Ed success is based on the belief that our client's needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our referrals are from past graduates. " AIMING FOR SAFETY IS OUR GOAL"

About Me

About Gilles our lead instructor When appointed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Chief Firearms Office of Ontario to teach and test the Canadian Firearms Safety and Ontario Hunter Education program, Gilles registered himself as a sole proprietorship with the province of Ontario, operating under the name of "GUNCOURSE.INFO". Gilles a dedicated hunter and outdoors enthusiast that enjoys nature and marvels at all the Canadian outdoors has to offer. He has hunted Ontario, Ungava in the Northern region of Quebec, Eastern Quebec, and Saskatchewan. He has hunted for large and small game from the great caribou to whitetail and mule deer, ducks, Canada geese & upland game with more than 20 years experience a field.

About My Courses

WWW.GUNCOURSE.INFO "Training Center" 1111 St. Felix Rd. Hammond, On. 613-612-4868 GUNCOURSE.INFO IDEALLY LOCATED & OFFERS COURSES MONTHLY Ottawa to Training Center Location 30 min. Rockland to Training Center Location 22 min. Cassleman to Training Center Location 25 min. Cornwall to Training Center Location 45 min. Alfred to Training Center Location 30 min. GOOGLE MAP