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    (905) 866-8784

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My name is Stephen Jordan but everyone calls me "JORDY" . I have been around firearms since the age of 12 and am soon turning 52. So if I have done the math right, that's 40 years. I completed 13 plus years in the Regular component of the Canadian Armed Forces where I completed several Instructor courses from small arms right up to a self propelled 155mm Howitzers. I did two tours, one in Cyprus and in Yugoslavia. In 2000 I left the military and have been with Peel Regional Police since. I am currently a Use of Force Instructor and Service Armourer. I started hunting with my father at age 12 and have been an avid hunter and conservationist since. I bring many years of firearm and hunting related experiences to the table and will try to make your time with me enjoyable, informative and successful. For information about dates, times and location please visit my website @

About My Courses

Canadian Firearms Safety Course Canadian Restricted Firearm Safety Course Ontario Hunters Education Program