Profile Information
PROFILE Information
Arthur Hawes
- Phone:
(519) 369-6858
- Cell Phone:
(416) 562-0597
- Email:
- Teaching Language:
- Preferred City:
Been teaching the courses since first year, 1994
About Me
Been a Provincial Trainer and Board member.
About My Courses
Most non restricted courses are Friday night 6 - 10 pm and Saturday all day starting at 8 am.
Most times the restricted course is on the Sunday of the same weekend. Cost is $130 if done within 30 days of non-restricted including testing and taxes. Uses same manual as the non-restricted. After 30 days cost is $170 if you have current blue manual (in use for approx. last 5 years). If not add $20 for manual.
Hunting course is a separate weekend, Friday night and Saturday as well. same times as above non-restricted