Profile Information

PROFILE Information

  • Name:

    Mark Harris

  • Phone:

    (705) 358-4447

  • Email:

  • Teaching Language:


  • Preferred City:



I am very adamant about firearms and firearms safety. I have been around firearms my entire life in both the military and civilian world. I have handled all types of firearms from single action to Heavy machine guns in the military and armament pieces as well. I have become an instructor with the FSESO organisation because I feel education is key when dealing with any thing in life especially firearms. I love to instruct and help out those who are willing to learn about firearms and their proper use. I live in Corbeil Ontario and enjoy what the area has to offer when it comes to the great outdoors. Most days you can find me riding my motorcycle or working in my shop building or working on something. My philosophy is you only get this walk once so enjoy.

About Me

I have been working with firearms for several years and also worked in the firearms industry as well. I am a veteran of the Canadian Forces with 27 years served. I was a member of 56fd RCA (Royal Canadian Artillery) in Brantford for 4 years and joined the regular force in October 1985. I served for 23 years in the regular force as a Weapons Technician and retired in 2008 as an MWO (Master Warrant Officer). I served in Petawawa, Ottawa, Borden,Toronto, North Bay and CFB Lahr Germany. From 1997 till 2001 I was an instructor at CFSEME (Canadian Forces school of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) where I instructed Weapons Technician RCEME (Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) courses at the basic and advanced levels. In 2000 I was the top instructor at the school. I taught all aspects of firearms repair and modification on both domestic and foreign small arms as well as Armament. After leaving the Forces I worked for R Nicholls and FN sports as a sales rep for both Law Enforcement( police forces, MNR ,security company's) and Sporting goods stores in Northern Ontario. I am an avid Waterfowl hunter and also enjoy Turkey hunting. I am a member of the Nippising Rifle and revolver club in North Bay where I enjoy shooting and spending the day on the ranges when ever I get the chance.

About My Courses

Instructing both Restricted and Non Restricted courses. Willing to travel in Province to instruct the courses