Profile Information

PROFILE Information

  • Name:

    Dorindo Gravina

  • Phone:

    (416) 543-8485

  • Cell Phone:

    (416) 543-8485

  • Email:

  • Teaching Language:



Dorindo Gravina has been an avid sport-shooter, hunter, and fisherman for over 40 years. He is experienced in all aspects of sport-shooting and hunting, with a bow, crossbow, rifle, shotgun, handguns, and muzzleloaders. He has always been a student himself and is constantly trying to learn more to improve what he brings to the classroom.

About Me

I've always believed that the use of firearms for either sport-shooting or hunting is a social and family activity. I take great pride in teaching new and young sport-shooters and hunters. I've been fortunate enough to participate in shooting activities and hunting with my family, including my father, both of my grandfathers,, my uncles, and now with my children. I've always strived to teach my children and my students the importance of conservation, ethics, and most importantly safety and our responsibility as firearms owners to society.

About My Courses

I offer both the Non-Restricted (shotguns, rifles) and Restricted (handguns) Firearms Safety courses.