Profile Information

PROFILE Information

  • Name:

    Anthony Cooper

  • Phone:


  • Cell Phone:


  • Email:

  • Teaching Language:


  • Preferred City:



I am a retired Police Officer of 33 years who served with the York Regional Police, the Ontario Provincial Police, and the RCMP (seconded) as the Deputy Chief Firearms Officer for Ontario. After retirement, I was hired as the Executive Manager of the Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario (FSESO) before becoming and Instructor in 2011. I have worked in the greater Toronto Region for the past 8 years operating as Ready Aim Firearms Safety Incorporated, successfully training more than 5000 individuals in Firearms Safety and Hunter Education.

About Me

I have been an avid hunter and outdoorsman since 1973, hunting big game, small game and target shooting in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia for more that 45 Years.

About My Courses

I offer courses in the Greater Toronto Region as well as Belleville and Quinte West (Trenton). I have many courses available starting in January of 2020 but I am unable to post them on this website at this time due to technical difficulties. Please do not hesitate to call me to inquire about a course at 289 259 2611 or 647 609 4555. Thank you!!